ReAugmentation with Larger Implants Case #12
Case ID: 3677
Case ID: 3543
This case is a great example of asymmetric male gynecomastia. The right sided breast tissue overdevelopment was far more problematic than the left. Utilizing an endoscopic approach, the right side’s breast tissue was removed, the redundant skin was then excised, incisions hidden within the borders of the areola. The left
Male Gynecomastia ReductionCase ID: 3538
These images reflect three month results from a surgical gynecomastia reduction procedure. Through circumferential incisions, both the gland and the skin laxity are able to be removed, the final incision hiding nicely around the areola’s border. These remarkable results can help restore confidence for a common problem among men.
Male Gynecomastia SurgeryCase ID: 3534
This two staged procedure, first an abdominoplasty with panniculectomy, followed by a posterior lower body lift was performed on a healthy older gentleman over the course of three months. Having successfully lost nearly two hundred pounds, he was now a prisoner to his own skin. By eliminating nearly twenty pounds of
Abdominoplasty with Posterior Lower Body Lift Case #1Case ID: 3490
Excessive arm skin laxity can not only be aesthetically uncomfortable but also a hindrance to your daily routine. Some resort to long sleeve garments to cover up this bothersome region, other’s may not be able to participate in physical activities they once enjoyed. With a strategically placed incision within the
Brachioplasty / Arm LiftCase ID: 3486
This two staged procedure, first an abdominoplasty with panniculectomy, followed by a posterior lower body lift was performed on a healthy older gentleman over the course of three months. Having successfully lost nearly two hundred pounds, he was now a prisoner to his own skin. By eliminating nearly twenty pounds
Abdominoplasty with Panniculectomy and Posterior Lower Body LiftCase ID: 3482
This case is a great example of asymmetric male gynecomastia. The right sided breast tissue overdevelopment was far more problematic than the left. Utilizing an endoscopic approach, the right side’s breast tissue was removed, the redundant skin was then excised, incisions hidden within the borders of the areola. The left
Male Gynecomastia ReductionCase ID: 3478
These improvements mark the first of a two staged procedural approach to massive weight loss surgery. The pannus and redundant abdominal skin were excised, allowing for improved mobility. The lateral chest region liposculpted to reduce problematic fat stores. Liposculpture was also performed on the back and flanks, the fat then
Abdominoplasty with Posterior Lower Body Lift Case #2Case ID: 3475
Diet and exercise alone are always the best start towards the ideal abdomen. Yet, when diet and exercise alone fail to give the washboard appearance desired, abdominal etching is always an option. Through the belly button and a few lateral ports, liposuction and dermal manipulation are performed, leading to a
Abdominal EtchingCase ID: 3472
Utilizing techniques to modify projection, rotation and length, while avoiding bone alterations allowed for improved nasal appearance. A comparison between pre and post op appearance demonstrate refined tip, reduced dorsal hump and decreased projection. The lateral nasal walls and septum were also corrected to improve nasal airflow. This is a
Rhinoplasty Case #1 Female