ENT Services

Our Office provides many other services which may not be listed here.

Please call (480) 664-0125 to discuss your needs and to schedule an appointment.

facial trauma

Facial Trauma – Deformities

When a person experiences any physical changes to the face that significantly…



Fluid in the middle ear is common among children and is usually a result of eustachian tube dysfunction…



The tonsils and adenoids are lymphoid tissues, similar to the lymph nodes found in the neck…

sleep apnea

Sleep Apnea Diagnosis

Many sleep disorders are brain disorders that cause interruptions in sleep patterns...

wax removal

Wax Removal

Cerumen is a natural, sticky, waxy substance secreted by glands in the outer portion of the ear canal...

polyp removal

Polyp Removal

In the nose they are formed when areas of the lining of the nose cavity become swollen with fluid...

head neck cancer

Head and Neck Cancer

A wide variety of locations in the head and neck anatomy can develop cancer...



For some people, swallowing difficulties is a chronic issue...

allergies (1)

Allergy Treatment

Avoiding common substances that can trigger allergic reactions may not be that easy...


Vertigo – Dizziness

Vertigo involves brief episodes of mild to intense dizziness and is often caused by an inner ear problem...



Ringing in the ears or Tinnitus for some can come and go; for others, it is a constant irritant...


Voice Issues – Dysphonia

Occasionally we all may suffer from voice problems. A hoarse or raspy voice can arise from overuse, screaming or irritants in the air...

skin cancer

Skin Cancer Excision & Closure

To determine if a spot or lump on your skin is cancerous, your doctor may perform a biopsy or opt for immediate surgical excision...

hearing loss

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss leads to many difficulties, at times even depression and a sense of isolation from the world...

hearing aids

Hearing Aids

Dr. Friedman and his hearing health team understand all of the negative stereotypes that come along with the use of hearing aids...


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