Hearing Aids

Many have negative views of hearing aids. Overpriced, inconvenient, bulky, unattractive and a telltale sign of getting old!

Our Philosophy About Hearing Aids

Dr. Friedman and his hearing health team understand all of the negative stereotypes that come along with the use of hearing aids. That’s why our goal is to restore your hearing health by any and every avenue possible before even discussing the possibility of a hearing aid. Our goal is not to sell someone a hearing aid to make a profit rather provide an opportunity to improve the quality of one’s life.

Contact Us

Bryan Baber, our hearing health specialist, embraces Dr. Friedman’s patients as his own. We offer free audiograms, hearing tests and consultations in hopes that our patient’s never need to buy a hearing aid to improve upon their ability to hear. And if in the event a hearing aid may be required, our products are of the latest, most up to date technology at prices that beat any hearing aid store in the state of Arizona. Come visit our locations 7545 E Angus Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 and 903 N. Beeline Highway, Suite A, Payson, AZ 85541 , or book an appointment by calling (480) 664-0125 today.


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