General overview of the facelift procedure:
As we age, the skin in our face begins to lose its elasticity and starts to sag, which can be difficult for some to deal with. In order to restore natural, youthful appearances, it’s important to restore the skin in a three-dimensional way using a facelift with fat transfer.
While a traditional facelift lifts and tightens, it is two dimensional and does not address the facial volume loss that accompanies the aging process. A 3-Dimensional face lift addresses facial atrophy, restoring volume back to the face with the use of your body’s natural fat cells. By utilizing fat from another part of your body, it can be artistically grafted back into your face to restore your natural, youthful look.
What methods are used:
After intravenous sedative medications are administered,

local anesthesia is injected. Small incisions are made strategically around the ear and facial creases so they will not be noticed once healed. The facelift is then performed in the following way:
- First, the skin is raised and the underlying layers are lifted and tightened with strong stitches. In this way, the face is “lifted” without placing any tension on the skin during eventual closure.
- Then, the neck is addressed through a small incision placed underneath the chin. Any excess fat is removed and the neck muscles are tightened in order to add strength to the newly sculpted neckline.
- The delicate skin of the face is then gently rotated and advanced into the proper position in order to achieve a more rested and youthful appearance. The incision is hidden within the folds of the ear so that it becomes virtually invisible when healed.
- The facial fat grafting/transfer is then performed in order to restore a youthful facial structure and volume to the midface (cheeks).
Follow-up treatments or next steps:
You will most likely have a neck compression wrap for the first week after surgery. Some swelling, bruising and discomfort are normal immediately following surgery, but it is typically manageable with pain medication. Dr. Friedman and his staff will schedule any necessary post-operative appointments as well as provide you will all the proper materials for your care at home following the surgery.
Contact our office:
To find out more about our Three Dimensional Face Lift with Fat Transfer service, visit Dr. Friedman’s office locations at 7545 E Angus Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 and 903 East Highway 260, Suite #3, Payson, Arizona 85541, or book an appointment by calling (480) 664-0125 today.