Minimally Invasive Short Facelift in Scottsdale, AZ

General overview of the service:

As cosmetic surgery has gone mainstream, more patients are becoming concerned with the level of invasiveness that different procedures signify. For facial procedures especially, the need for methods and techniques that will leave very little scarring cannot be over emphasized. This has given rise to better and more efficient methods of performing facial cosmetic surgery. The minimally invasive short facelift, also known as the short incision minimally invasive facelift, is one such procedure.

The procedure is performed to rejuvenate the brow, cheeks, and other facial features. The outcome is a more youthful look with well-proportioned and positioned features.

How the service is done:

During the procedure, the incision made is smaller than in traditional facelift techniques. The incision starts in the temporal hairline, where hair grows through the small scar, hiding it from view. The incision continues hidden in the crease in front of the ear ending at the earlobe so that there is no scar behind the ear.

Once the incision is made, undermining of the skin is performed, and the deeper layers of the face are “lifted” with a suture suspension technique. Muscle tightening and liposuction of the neck is performed, and excess skin is repositioned and/or removed. The procedure is done under sedation with local anesthesia to avoid the risks associated with general anesthesia.

Follow-up treatments or next steps:

It is important to realize that the amount of time it takes to recover from facelift surgery varies greatly between individuals. Elevation of the head is extremely helpful in reducing the initial post-operative swelling.

Smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke should be avoided to prevent delays in the healing process. Once the dressings are removed, puffiness and discoloration may be more pronounced in some portions of the face than others. Do not be alarmed by any unevenness or temporary asymmetry – this is normal. The initial swelling is usually calmed after a few days and resolves gradually after that and most bruising resolves within 2 weeks.

Contact our office:

To find out more about our Minimally Invasive Short Face Lift service, visit Dr. Friedman’s office locations at 7545 E Angus Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 and 903 East Highway 260, Suite #3, Payson, Arizona 85541, or book an appointment by calling (480) 664-0125 today.


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